Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Horde Leveling Guides

Horde Leveling Guides: How to Choose the Best and Avoid the Worst by Jon Weston

So you're a Horde player... You like being World of Warcraft's bad boy (or girl!), and you want to get to the top of the game.

Don't we all?

Many World of Warcraft players I know have good reasons for wanting to be level 80 - they want to be:

1. Playing end game content which is the most interesting & exciting), 2. Fighting with huge groups of allies against the most powerful foes in the game (instances), 3. The ultimate PvP player, able to dispatch any Alliance foe with ease, and 4. Kitted out in some of the most powerful and stylish gear available.

Unfortunately World of Warcraft is not a game you complete over an evening, over a week, or even over a month. World of Warcraft generally requires dedicated and continuous effort from their players to be able to reach the higher echelons of the game.

Some players inevitably find it necessary to try & short cut the time they spend by using a leveling guide, but with so many to choose from it can be a difficult task to sort sales hype from the facts.

While some of us have the luxury of time, or a personal recommendation from a friend or family member, it can be difficult to make a choice without some proper guidance.

After using and reviewing many of the web's best World of Warcraft leveling guides, I've found the most important thing about choosing a good guide is to ensure it meets the following criteria:

1. The guide is widely considered by the World of Warcraft community to be one of the fastest leveling guides available. How do you find this out? You can research this simply by trawling through the multitude of online forums and online communities available.

Simply note the experiences players have had, and their impression of the usefulness and ease of use of each guide.

2. The guide protects you by offering a 100% money back guarantee. This is important because unlike the 'real world', you can't flick through a guide to see if it meets your expectations... you have to wait until you buy. So please pick a guide backed up by a guarantee to protect yourself.

3. The guide is powered by a good "map-mod", an easy to use add-on to the World of Warcraft client that takes you from a, to b, to c without you ever needing to leave the game.

Map-mods save you time by giving you instructions from inside the game, which means you don't need to alt-tab and conduct research to find your next questing location, or to find which quests will yield the most experience in the least time.

Map-mods also generally include map markers which are overlayed on to your map, and a directional arrow pointing you in the proper direction. With these simple tools, and some guidance from a professional player, most gamers will find leveling a much more straightforward and stress free affair.

These are just a few quick tips to ensure any guide you buy is a safe bet. For best results, do as much research as you can before you rely on what the sales hype says the guide will do for you!

About the Author

Jon Weston is a World of Warcraft leveling guide expert who professionally reviews the web's best guides, and shares them. If you'd like to find out Jon's top picks for World of Warcraft Horde Leveling Guides, you can find his free in-depth review site, here.

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